Thursday, February 19, 2009


No, it is not an illness this time, although Radlee was up coughing all night. This morning I have witnessed just how much my attitude is like a virus. The old saying "when mommy isn't happy, no one is happy" is such a true statement. Also, when mommy wakes up with joy, it seems to equally affect everyone in our home.

After reading yesterday's post, you might be tempted to call mobile crisis, but hold the phone, a ray of sunshine is peeking through that cloud of gloom. I admit I have a love/hate relationship with days like yesterday. Oh how I hate that feeling of despair. I hate feeling like everything is falling apart; but I love the brokenness that brings me back to the loving arms of my Savior. I love how He allows me to repent of the ways I have pushed Him aside, yet He forgives me and wipes my slate clean. I love the way brokenness forces me to examine my heart and the many idols I have put before my Father are revealed to me! In response to the place I was at yesterday, I have decided to make a few changes in our home.

1. Regardless of my plans for the day, I need to get up and get ready. It is amazing how a shower and a little make-up can change an attitude.

2. Designated times everyday are going to be electronic free times. This means no TV, computer, xbox, PlayStation, DS.....etc. Hopefully, this will encourage more time spent together playing, reading, and conversing. This is a fairly easy task during the summer months, but on cold and rainy days this is much harder. The TV/games has gotten out of hand lately. It is unhealthy!

3. I am the most excited about this next task.....Jeff and I watched the movie Fireproof a few nights ago. It was a great movie. I know that our church is doing the bible study called The Love Dare that goes along with the movie, but like I said in my previous post, I haven't been to church in awhile. Me and a few friends are going to do this study together without our husbands knowing. I think it will be great to watch just how our marriages can be positively affected, by the changes the wives start making. (shhhh....don't tell Jeff....he doesn't read this blog)

Basically, with this study, there is a different challenge everyday for 40 days. Today's challenge was to avoid saying anything negative to your spouse for the entire day. So far, I am doing a great job! is only 8:30 a.m., but hey you have to start somewhere!

Although it is only 8:30, I have witnessed how my attitude affects everyone in our home. For instance, this morning, in addition to being positive, I went a step further and offered to cook Jeff some eggs. While I was cooking, he came in and unloaded the dishes from the night before. I was quite surprised. Then I was taking laundry downstairs and Radlee offered to carry the basket down for me. It was so sweet! It is amazing how attitudes truly are contagious!

I hope I can continue on this path towards a new transformation in our home. My desire is that we lead our life as a family in a way that truly honors Christ.


Melissa said...


Angie said...

You are so wonderful! I love how you take charge and put things into action. I love how you can reflect so honestly your feelings of problems in one blog and turn right around, repent, set goals and get back on God's track in the next blog. You really do inspire Melissa said. I love you!

The Shingletons said...

I can't wait to talk to you and hear about all he craziness in your life. I saw Melissa today and think it is really cool what you are thinking about doing. I miss talking with you. Let's get together soon. Maybe I'll come by one day after I drop off Maci at school. Love the post! So true and great for me to remember as well!

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