Tuesday, April 24, 2007

When life drives you to your knees pray there...

Let me start by saying that I don't even begin to think that my life is terrible by any means. I know that there are so many people in our world that are hurting so much worse than I can even imagine, but life has just been overwhelming for me lately. There have been so many stressful issues going on--Radlee sick and at the emergency room last week, our van is messed up right now, and the biggest stress of all right now is MONEY--or lack of I guess I could say.

I am not sure why things have been so tight for us lately. Just the word "tight" has taken on a whole new meaning in our house! I asked Jeff this past weekend just what he thought God is trying to teach us through this, and his response was I don't know, but I am ready for class to be over. The truth is that class is never over because our Lord loves us and disciplines those He loves!!!

Here is what I don't know---
Will I ever really get it--I hope I will someday, but I have proved time and time again that the minute things get a little easier for us financially I quit relying as much on God to meet our needs.
Here is what I do know---
1. We have given more money to church in the past 2 weeks than we have in the past 6 months--kind of interesting--when times are hard I am the most obdient to God's word.
2. I have spent more time talking to God in the past 2 weeks than I have in the past 6 months--kind of interesting--when times are hard I spend the most time talking to God.
3. I have truly seen God providing our needs through ways that I didn't see before--also interesting that I am open to see God when times are hard.

Today I was cleaning my mom's house for some extra money. It was just another way that God opened a door to provide financial help. While I was on my knees cleaning her bathtub, I was praying and praising God for once again providing our needs. So, what is the great lesson in all of this??? I don't know, but when Life is Good I want to Praise HIM and when Life is Hard I still want to Praise HIM!


dreamingBIGdreams said...

Great post thanks!

The Jeter Bunch said...

Write on. This really hit me like a brick! I love you.

Kristie said...

Habakkuk 3:17-18
"Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation."

Right there, on my knees, praying with you and for you. I love you!

Tiffany said...

I hate it ~ finances that is! UGH! I hate it also that you are struggling. UGH! I do love that you are so real and I KNOW that you are seeing Him. Sometimes it is just so hard to remember God when things are going so good. I am guilty too. What I do know is is God is SO good and He WILL continue to provide. I love you!

SUZANNE said...

I was happy you found my blog so I could find yours! It is a fun way to keep up with each other in these busy lives we have. So sorry to hear about your money issues, but it is amazing about tithing and to know how God will provide. Are you wanting to clean more houses on the side because I run across friends that are needing someone to clean their houses and I could give them your name?

MADDIE said...

I actually have thought about cleaning some other houses on the side. That is one thing I can do--CLEAN! My hours are just a bit limited because I wouldn't really want to take the kids with me to someones house. I could clean a house or some houses either at night or on a Saturday. I possible could find someone to keep the kids occasionally during the day. So, yes please give them my name and number. If you don't have my phone number--email me at Christymsmith@comcast.net and I will e-mail you my phone number


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