Saturday, January 17, 2009

A New Do!

Yesterday, one of my best friends called and wanted me and the kids to go with her to our other bff's house for a play date. I probably just should have just went, but I felt so lousy from working the night before and only being able to sleep for a few hours. (The night shift is taking a little more adjusting than I thought it would) Being the sweet friend she is, Mel asked if she could just take Maddie with her. The kids had a great time. Since one of Melissa's daughters just had her hair cut a week ago, Maddie was dying to get her haircut too. Our other friend Angie's daughter also wanted to get her hair cut, so we decided to let them go together. I reluctantly stayed at home but I got play by play updates on how it was going from Melissa and Angie. Angie also took lots of pictures for me and emailed them later. I can't believe I let Maddie do it without me there, but that just shows the trust I have for Mel and Angie. I am so glad Maddie was able to share this sweet memory with her dearest friends!! When she got home, I thought she looked so adorable and grown up! She loves it too. Here are a few pictures of her "new do". Thanks Melissa and Angie.


The Three Of Us said...

I love it! She does look very grown up!!

Melissa said...

Oh, I love Maddie, she is like one of my girls. Although I got to watch through the window as we waited in the van, it was really fun to watch their faces as they got their hair done. I love all of you so much and I am so thankful for our friendship. You and Angie are forever my friends and I thank Jesus for you and your families everyday! Hugs!

Angie said...

Oh I love Maddie too! She is really a precious young lady...with a sweet haircut I might add! Like I told you, I know that that experience for them (and me) is a forever memory. You two are my forever friends and I love you both dearly!!!!! (And all of our children...all nine of them)!!

Jill said...

What a trio! They all look really cute. ( :

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