Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I just voted and regardless of the outcome, I feel privileged to live in a land where my voice can be heard! I love this land and am so thankful to those who paid the ultimate price so I can freely go out and vote today! Hopefully, our land will remain a place where we are free to voice our opinions and our freedoms will not be taken away! God Bless the USA!


The Three Of Us said...

You said it!
~God Bless The USA~

Melissa said...

God Bless America! Please Lord have mercy on our sins today!

Jill said...

Amen! I was proud to cast my vote too!

MADDIE said...

Don't you hate it when you go back to look at a post and notice all of the words you have misspelled. Darn it. I usually go back and fix stuff later, but I need to start paying more attention before lots of people read it!!!

The Three Of Us said...

I'm a terrible spellor...So...I never notice your misspelled words...: )

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