Sunday, November 30, 2008

past, present, and future updates....

Not a whole lot has been going on around the Smith house. We are all starting to recover from the accident. Britt is looking much better and only has a tiny bit of black around each eye. I was so nervous and proud of her all at the same time for wanting to drive again today. We let her take our van to lunch and to the movies with a friend. I am not going to lie.....I am extremely nervous, but I want her to regain her confidence. After all, the wreck was not her fault in the first place. We have learned so much as a family from this experience, and although there is still much to be done as far as insurance stuff, I am grateful for the lessons God has taught me through this.

Thanksgiving has been pretty relaxing. I think we haven't done as much "running" as usual. I haven't even braved the after Thanksgiving shopping. We have bought the kids a few big items, but are really trying to be practical this year and stay away from buying lots of "junk" that only gets broke within a few days, sometimes hours. We did spend the day at Aunt Regina's house on Thanksgiving day. We also had a birthday party to go to this weekend. Other than that, it has been a pretty uneventful weekend....Thank you Jesus.

I wish life could stay this way, but the next few weeks are going to be crazy! I have finals in all of my classes Dec. 8-10, so next week I will be studying my little brain off! I also really need to get myself in gear and get all of my application and stuff ready to be submitted to the hygiene department by Jan. 15! I know that after finals are over, a huge weight will be lifted. Honestly, I can't wait. It has been the hardest semester thus far, and I can't wait to be able to say I did it!!!

I am hoping to spend the week after my finals going to Christmas parties at the kids schools, finish my Christmas shopping, spend time with friends and family, and just enjoy being a wife and mommy. Sounds so simple, but when I am full into school, it is hard to keep those simple things in focus! Anyway, thanks for reading about our somewhat boring life. Especially, thanks to all of you for checking on Britt by phone, e-mail, cards, and coming to visit her. Thank you for those who have prayed for her and us! Thanks to my best friends who were there within minutes of hearing about what happened. We couldn't have made it through this little bump in the road without you!


Angie said...

I just love you. I'm proud of you for being such a good mommy to your kids. I'm proud of you for letting Britt drive to regain confidence...probably a very wise move! I'm blessed to have my friends that I hold so close to my heart!

Melissa said...

I am also very, very proud of you. I am thankful for Britt too that she bravely got behind the wheel...that makes me so happy for all of you. You are an inspiration to me in all that you do and all that you are. I am grateful to live around the corner and so happy that we get to see you and your fam a lot!!

The Three Of Us said...

You are such a good Mom...its so obvious in all of your writings... Not to mention what I saw first hand when Britt was just a toddler...remember my visit from college?? You and Jeff lived in the apartment with the fire place..and you made baked chicken...and Britt fell asleep in my's was a most precious moment...I'll never forget it! Then you came to rescue me when my marriage fell apart...You are so blessed to have family and good friends so close by...I don't have to tell ya already know...we must get together soon...thinking spring...

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