Thursday, October 2, 2008

A lesson on control

(The pictures are from today not yesterday's wacky tacky day!...I guess that is pretty obvious though:-)

Yesterday was "wacky-tacky" day at Maddie's school. I reluctantly decided to just let Maddie pick her own outfit and tell me how she wanted her hair. When Maddie came out with what she wanted to wear, I really wanted to go and find her something else. I just went with what she had out and she ended up looking really "wacky-tacky". She won the wacky-tackiest in her classroom. She had her picture made with the other winners in the school, but unfortunately I did not take one! Darn!!!

Today was dress like your favorite story book character. We really didn't have very much at home for her to choose from, but she decided to go as Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. Once again, I had a different idea of what hat she should wear than she had in mind, but I let her go with her idea. I did get a few pictures today. I thought she looked pretty cute!

I am learning with the kids to not "sweat the small stuff". Sometimes it is just better to let go of some control and let them make some of their own "small" decisions.


Melissa said...

Great advice that I need to put into practice more the pictures of Maddie, she is beautiful....

subject change....I'm thinking of changing my name to LaFrance......what do you think??

The Three Of Us said...

great pictures....she looks just like her mommy!!!!!!!1

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