Monday, October 6, 2008

Tuesdays Tribute: My Uncle Scott

I have decided I am going to dedicate every Tuesday to someone who has made an impression on my life. The first person I have chosen to acknowledge is My Uncle Scott. I have so many fond memories of spending time with him. I will never forget all of the fun times we spent laughing over some of the silliest things while at my grandmother's house. We have had some great times over the years, but what makes my uncle so special is how he stepped up and became the stable person in my life when everything around me seemed to be crumbling. I was a teenager living in a new city after my parent's divorce and in many ways my life was out of control. Not having any children of his own, Scott was so giving of his time and energy to me and my sister. My mom would call him crying on many occasions because of the trouble I was giving her, and my uncle would drive a few hours from his home to either come and talk to me or just spend time with us. Occasionally, he even had to give me a phone lecture.....oh how I hated those!!!! He was the father figure in our lives when our dad was several states away! He even walked my sister down the aisle when she got married. I will always be grateful for the way he so generously gave us his time and his heart....I truly don't know how I could have made it through that very tough time in my life without him. Thank you!!

*****Scott.....I searched everywhere for a good picture of you, but I didn't think you would approve of the ones I had!! I think you must avoid cameras like me!! That is my project the next time we are had better be ready!!


Jill said...

What a sweet tribute! Your uncle sounds like a really neat person who made a big impact on your life.

Melissa said...

Great idea.....I would like to meet your Uncle Scott sometime. Can we say, road trip!!

AshleyMK said...

That was great!Scott will like this when he reads it. Mel is in for a treat if she ever gets to meet him.

The Three Of Us said...

Do I ever remember Uncle Scott!! Taking us out joy riding with the T-Tops off!!! He always made us feel so cool!! Does he still call you Cricky Shelly??

Angie said...

He sounds like a super guy with a super heart!

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