Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Time to vent!

I am so irritated right now! I just need to complain for a minute....I may regret posting this on the net for all to see, but if I do there is always the lovely delete post option.

Today was another first for me at TSU. Today was the first time I have ever took a midterm with the majority of the class laughing and talking really loud. The instructor was even joking with everyone. I couldn't concentrate and ended up turning my test in with only one side completed. When I realized there was another side to the test, I politely asked to have my test back. He gave it back to me but kept saying in a loud tone 5 minutes Pagan 5 minutes! I think he thought he was being funny, but I really didn't find it so funny. I wanted to say MY LAST NAME ISN'T PAGAN ANYMORE AND HASN'T BEEN FOR ALMOST 16 YEARS!!!! (That is an entire different story of how the idiots at this school can't seem to get anything right...they took my maiden name off of my high school transcript rather than my application. I was told just to leave it, because if you try to have it fixed lots of other stuff will get messed up like your classes getting transferred)

I also wanted to just scream to all of the crazy people in my class and tell them to shut the ..... up for just a few minutes! (fill in the dots as you wish) Don't worry, I didn't do that! If I would have, I wouldn't be typing this post right now. It is extremely frustrating to spend long hours away from your family to study, and then to just have all of your hard work studying messed up because you can't concentrate. I really need to work on my ability to tune distractions out....I thought with my kids I had already mastered that one!

I did turn in my test before I was even finished and I am sure didn't do so well.....I probably still got an o.k. grade because he has to curve his test grades so much because they are usually horrible! I am sure that is probably why no one really cares!

I ever so politely asked to speak to the instructor after class. I asked if it was possible to have some sort of quiet testing atmosphere when taking test. I am just asking what you would think would be a given right?!? He told me it is what it are at TSU. Those were his exact words!

I am either going to be a really strong woman after I am finished with my undergraduate studies or I am going to be a crazy woman!


AshleyMK said...

I am sooo sorry. I can feel your frustration today and I don't even have to talk to you.

Jill said...

That would make me mad too. I had a couple of irritating teachers in high school and college who used to do that, and I hated it. Some of us just need peace and quiet when we are trying to concentrate!

Melissa said...

I love you. I am very sorry and mad with you. I want to go with you and defend you to all those stupid teachers and students. I am so proud of you, you are awesome. Don't let them win!

The Three Of Us said...

Talking during a test? Wow...this instructor sounds like a real piece of work...He ought be reminded…that not only do to you pay tuition to attend TSU...but your tuition pays his salary too!! Wow...he's the kind of teacher we pray our children never have....
Love you...

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